War Zone Heavy Construction & Combat Engineering - US Air Force & Army Tags: "Engineering (Industry)" war zone combat construction engineering red horse US Army Air Force Navy Marine Corps boilermaker pipefitter road highway runway Military Soldiers Forces Marines "Marine (military)" engineer support build howto how to RED HORSE (2003) http://archive.org/details/gov.dod.dimoc.614175 http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ This is a work of the United States Federal Government prepared by federal government officers and/or employees as part of their official duties and is not copyrightable and is in the public domain and free to use for any purpose including commercial use. Department of Defense RED HORSE PIN 614175 2003 "CAN DO, WILL DO, HAVE DONE!" THIS IS THE MOTTO OF THE WORLD'S BEST, SELF-SUSTAINING COMBAT ENGINEERING AND HEAVY CONSTRUCTION FORCE...RAPIDLY DEPLOYABLE ANYTIME, ANYWHERE. THESE HIGHLY TRAINED AND VERSATILE UNITS ARE KNOWN AS RED HORSE, OR RAPID ENGINEER DEPLOYABLE HEAVY OPERATIONAL REPAIR SQUADRON, ENGINEERS. RED HORSE UNITS ARE WARTIME STRUCTURED TO PROVIDE A HEAVIER ENGINEER CAPABILITY THAN PRIME BEEF TEAMS. THESE TEAMS ARE NOT TIED TO A SPECIFIC WEAPON SYSTEM AND ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR BASE OPERATIONS, MAINTENANCE, OR SUSTAINMENT. THEY ARE MOBILE, RAPIDLY DEPLOYABLE, AND LARGELY SELF-SUFFICIENT FOR LIMITED PERIODS OF TIME. THEY PERFORM THE WARTIME TASK OF MAJOR FORCE BEDDOWN, HEAVY DAMAGE REPAIR, BARE BASE DEVELOPMENT, AND HEAVY CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS. Producer: Department of Defense Creative Commons license: CC0 1.0 Universal