Two videos of us marines vehicles (1st part showing a Oshkosh M-ATV MRAP and 2nd part showing a Oshkosh MTVR dump truck) stuck in the mud in Afghanistan and throwed by a Oshkosh FHTV truck. At 1:27 the big rope breaks and the dump truck almost flip over. The MRAP, for Mine Resistant Ambush Protected, is a family of armored vehicles designed to withstand IEDs for Improvised Explosive Devices, and ambushes. These vehicles are mostly equipped with a deflection shield V characteristic under frame. The first MRAP vehicles were purchased in 2003 by the USMC starting in 2005 and the tactics are actually studied. The lightest of them weighing over 14 tons. Don't forget to subscribe us on Facebook or Twitter. You have a question or you would like to send us footage. Send us a message.