Sub-Sahara Farmers: Voices This video is produced by , in making its contribution to amplifying the voices of Sub-Sahara Africa's farmers. Please get in touch with us to further any interests you may have as a result of checking out our website. in this video , you'll hear a selection of genuine voices of the Sub-Sahara farmer's advocates. Please add your voice to theirs' . We look forward to hearing from you with suggestions, critiques, even advice, on how we can create even better videos to make the voice of the Sub-Sahara Africa Farmer even more heard and to a much wider and strategic community at that, so that their voices get to be heard by those who really need to hear them. Sub-Sahara Farmers : Sub-Sahara Farmers , the voices of these farmers are the missing voices in Sub-Sahara Africa , in particular where Agriculture-Research and Policy formation is concerned. Please share this video and share your comments. Africa can truly feed itself , unfortunately, the wrong voices are propagating the wrong message about Sub-Sahara Farmers and Sub-Sahara Agriculture. The concepts of Food Security, Food sovereignty , big-agriculture ,, AgriBusiness need to be redefined to the advantage and genuine interests and context of Sub-Sahara Farmers. This video is produced by , in making its contribution to amplifying the voices of Sub-Sahara Africa's farmers. Please get in touch with us to further any interests you may have as a result of checking out our website. Links you might like to check out further: 1. "..."Food sovereignty", a term coined by members of Via Campesina in 1996,[1] asserts that the people who produce, distribute, and consume food should control the mechanisms and policies of food production and distribution, rather than the corporations and market institutions they believe have come to dominate the global food system...." 2. "...Agribusiness is the business of agricultural production. The term was coined in 1957 by Goldberg and Davis. It includes agrichemicals, breeding, crop production (farming and contract farming), distribution, farm machinery, processing, and seed supply, as well as marketing and retail sales. All agents of the food and fiber value chain and those institutions that influence it are part of the agribusiness system..." 3. "...Corporate farming is a term used to describe companies that own or influence farms and agricultural practices on a large scale. This includes not only corporate ownership of farms and selling of agricultural products, but also the roles of these companies in influencing agricultural education, research, and public policy through funding initiatives and lobbying efforts...." 4. "...Land grabbing is the contentious issue of large-scale land acquisitions: the buying or leasing of large pieces of land in developing countries, by domestic and transnational companies, governments, and individuals. While used broadly throughout history, land grabbing as used in the 21st century primarily refers to large-scale land acquisitions following the 2007-2008 world food price crisis.[1] Obtaining water resources is usually critical to the land acquisitions, so it has also led to an associated trend of water grabbing.[2] ..." 5. "...Water grabbing involves the diversion of water resources and watersheds by domestic and transnational companies, governments, and individuals, which deprives local communities who depend on the water and ecosystems for their livelihoods. It also can have damaging environmental effects as watersheds are made unsustainable by overuse of limited water.[1] While water grabbing has a long history linked to the enclosure of the commons, its emergence as a term recently is most recently associated with the renewed focus on land grabbing caused by growth in food speculation, large scale agricultural investments for food and biofuels production..." Feedback: We welcome your feedback, please reach us via our website or email now to