Engineer's Technical & Training Services is the fast growing company with An ISO 9001:2008 certified company involved in CAD/CAM software training & Consultancy. Primarily Engineer's Technical & Training Services has been established with following 4 objectives (Training , Placement , Software , Consultancy) CAD CAM Experts is the registered brand name of the Engineer's Technical & Training Services for the software training in the field of CAD/CAM, application software and language programs. CAD CAM Experts has the vast experience of 3 years in the field of CAD and software training. It's most qualitative programs, technical expertise and best customer services are the reasons behind the fast growth of the company. CAD CAM Experts is affiliated with all major CAD software companies. Being the Authorized Training. CAD CAM Experts has the tie up with all major software companies of the world for the training in India. Presently working with 6 centres in India, it has the plan to open 50 more centers by the end of year. CAD CAM Experts, we have worked out for the industries requirements, placements criteria and courses of engineering colleges. Broadly the engineering college has major focus on following branches:- 1. Information technology(CS-IT) 2. Computer Science 3. Electronics 4. Electrical 5. Mechanical\automobile 6. Civil 7. Architecture 8. Jwellary 9.Project Management