Proper stand establishment requires that seedling in term of number of seeds per unit area (per square feet or linear row foot) rather than pound or bushels per acre. Seed size will vary among varieties and even among seed lot of same variety. Seeds size or the number of seeds per pound can vary from 10,000 seeds per pound to 20.000 seeds per pound. The linear length of row needed to drill 35 seeds/ft2 is calculated by dividing 144 square inches in a ft2 by the drill row width. For example using a drill with 7 inches row width, dividing 144 by 7=20.6 inches of row length 35 seeds at 90% greater germination. Harvesting of the crop began in Sindh and South Punjab in late March and expected to continue till mid June in North Punjab. Harvesting of wheat and other Rabi crop in rain-fed area will begin after May 15. At harvesting time, what stalks begin to bend over from the weight of their kernels, and the entire plant has become golden in color. After wheat is harvested form the field, machinery separates the stalks and chaff away from the kernels. The stalks and chaff often are used in applications ranging from mulch to animal bedding.