Dramatic video footage released on Sunday from three Stow police cruisers involved in a 52.5-mile chase of a stolen dump truck looks as if it could have come from a cop reality television show. The stolen dump truck, which police say was driven Saturday by a 17-year-old suspect through the streets of Stow and the highways of three counties, crashed into police cruisers and private vehicles and headed in reverse down a major road while being pursued by police before spinning and totaling a cruiser. That's before the dump truck got out of Stow and headed down state Route 8 and Interstate 77 through Summit, Stark and Tuscarawas counties, then crashed with a flat tire into a guard rail. In parts of one cruiser's video, various objects, including two bricks and a tarp, are seen being thrown from the dump truck's window. Police also said a fire extinguisher was thrown out of the truck toward a line of police cars from various departments in pursuit on the highway. A Stow teen has been charged in juvenile court with three counts of felonious assault with a weapon (the truck), a count of willfully fleeing and eluding a police officer, driving with a suspended license, three counts of vandalism (of cars) and a count of receiving stolen property.