Computer Numeric Control (CNC) is the automation of machine tools that are operated by precisely programmed commands encoded on a storage medium (computer command module, usually located on the device) as opposed to controlled manually by hand wheels or levers, or mechanically automated by cams alone. Most NC today is computer (or computerized) numerical control (CNC), in which computers play an integral part of the control. In modern CNC systems, end-to-end component design is highly automated using computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) programs. The programs produce a computer file that is interpreted to extract the commands needed to operate a particular machine by use of a post processor, and then loaded into the CNC machines for production. Since any particular component might require the use of a number of different tools – drills, saws, etc. – modern machines often combine multiple tools into a single "cell". In other installations, a number of different machines are used with an external controller and human or robotic operators that move the component from machine to machine. In either case, the series of steps needed to produce any part is highly automated and produces a part that closely matches the original CAD design. CNC Technology World Amazing Modern Mega Machines Heavy Equipment - How It's Made Hypnitic Video COOPERATION 1. Send us your video to epicsmashdisaster(AT) 2. Watch it on our compilation 3. Get links and views to your channel! Числовое программное управление (сокр. ЧПУ; англ. computer numerical control, сокр. CNC) — компьютеризованная система управления, управляющая приводами технологического оборудования, включая станочную оснастку. Оборудование с ЧПУ может быть представлено: станочным парком, например, станками (станки, оборудованные числовым программным управлением, называются станками с ЧПУ) для обработки металлов (например, фрезерные или токарные), дерева, пластмасс; приводами асинхронных электродвигателей, использующих векторное управление; характерной системой управления современными промышленными роботами; Периферийные устройства, например: 3D-принтер, 3D-сканер.