THE BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY IS ONE OF THE KEY PILLARS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. IT HAS THE POTENTIAL TO SIGNIFICANTLY IMPACT SOCIETY AND ENVIRONMENT.IN KENYA TODAY THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION CONTINUES TO RISE EVERYDAY ...AND JUST LIKE IN OTHER PARTS OF AFRICA, RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR CHEAPER ALTERNATIVES TO LOWER COSTS AND INCREASE ACCESS TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING TRADITIONAL KILN BRICK MAKING contributes to air pollution, soil erosion and degradation, desertification of the landscape, and reduces available fuel sources for other human activities. In agricultural regions, these consequences are especially detrimental and contribute to the food INSECURITY and sometimes create fuel conflict over the limited resources. THEREFORE THERE IS NEED FOR GOVERNMENTs, organizations AND COMMUNITIES to raise awareness on alternative fuels and kiln construction OR OTHER ECO FRIENDLY CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGIES in order to increase production rates and reduce environmental impact.