Visit for more details! This intricate technology doesn't come at a better price: introducing the 1200W ICE1200 Mark II ice fog machine from Beamz, which is designed to produce a heavy ground fog. Working similarly to a 'dry ice' effect, this machine will have the floor covered with a reservoir of swirling fog; transforming wedding and disco dance floors to wonderlands and obscuring your venue floor in a settled cloud. This effect boasts versatility with a number of different events, performances and shows, and can spill voluminously over the edge of a stage like a slow-falling waterfall. Take this machine through the seasons to diversify your Halloween parties with this special effect. Truly terrifying amongst an arrangement of props and lighting, the ice fogger will trick party goers into believing they have entered a haunted house or a hair-raising cemetery. Alternatively, pair with twinkling lights to create a magical Christmas dance floor or shop display. All what you need to fuel this machine is ice cubes and ordinary smoke fluid; then the element within the machine cools the smoke to make it denser, thicker and heavier causing the fog settle at floor-level. Wired remote control is supplied to initiate emission. Follow Us! Facebook: Twitter: Music courtesy of Indivison: