Automotive Design Project Success for Mechanical Engineering students... (Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate) Discover tips for success in this video... Various aspects you must look into before you start the project ... Step 1 : Choose the right project for your short term and long term career success Like to work on an Automotive Design Project ...? (Hint/Tip : Pick Automotive Design projects only if you are interested in this career path in short term and long term... i.e. Cars, Trucks, Buses, Industrial Vehicles,Farm Equipments, Racing, Formula one, testing, concept vehicle designs, etc) (For example : If you are interested in "Petroleum or Oil and Gas" industry then Automotive Design projects may not be the right thing to choose... ) Step 2 : How to pick right Mentor or Coach or Project guide or consultant to help you get the project done ? (Experience in Automotive Design, CAD, Blueprint reading, Hardware and software, MS Office, OS) Step 3 : How to pick a project that companies love to see on your resume ? Project mentor, Google search, trade magazines, brainstorming, peers, seniors, company managers, trade shows, Auto Shows, research papers, company websites, online engineering forums (eg : Step 4 : What training is necessary ? (Let your mentor help you pick the right training) Automotive Reference Books, Handbooks, Blueprint reading, CAD training (2D or 3D or Both), MS Office, OS Step 5 : What is the starting point ? Planning, Cost estimation, Project breakdown into small pieces, Deadlines, Schedule, team roles, Work load assignment, skills training schedule (Hint : Will you just build a theoretical model...on paper (or) just a CAD model (or) just an FEA model (or) just a prototype (or) a combinations of the above...) Step 6 : What precautions to take ? Accept reliable Inputs only, Don't accept advice from Un-experienced, Gather all data required at one place, plan to finish project in 80% of total time assigned, emergencies exist... prepare for them (sick, health, climate, rain, power outage, internet is down, team member quits, punctuality) Step 7 : What happens when you get stuck mid-way ? Get help from mentor, get additional know-how, buy additional books, get additional training, reduce the objectives, eliminate un-necessary steps, focus... I hope you will be successful with your Automotive Design Projects following my step by step approach given above.... Video link here ...